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You are very welcome as a new patient in our dental clinic.

At your first appointment, 30 minutes will be reserved for you. During that time we would like to get to know you and hear your dental wishes and complaints. We also discuss your general health with you.

An oral examination will take place and x-rays will be taken. 

Based on this, a treatment plan is drawn up.

You can take the dental records and X-rays from your previous dentist with you during this visit or send them to us.

Nadat wij uw gegevens hebben ontvangen, zullen wij telefonisch contact met u opnemen om een eerste afspraak in te plannen.

Indien u vragen heeft of specifieke wensen wilt bespreken, kunt u deze vermelden op het bijgevoegde formulier.

Bedankt voor uw inschrijving!

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